Sunday, December 24, 2006

John Kerry says it all

In an Op-Ed in the Washington Post the junior Senator from Massachusetts lays out in clear detail the disasters of Our Dear Befuddled Leader in Iraq and and points the way to possible solutions.
No one should be looking for vindication in what is happening in Iraq today. The lesson here is not that some of us were right about Iraq or that some of us were wrong. The lesson is simply that we need to change course rapidly rather than perversely use mistakes already made and lives already given as an excuse to make more mistakes and lose even more lives.

When young Americans are being killed and maimed, when the Middle East is on the brink of three civil wars, even the most vaunted "steadfastness" morphs pretty quickly into stubbornness, and resolve becomes recklessness. Changing tactics in the face of changing conditions on the ground, developing new strategies because the old ones don't work, is a hell of a lot smarter than the insanity of doing the same thing over and over again with the same tragic results.
This insanity came from following the ideas of ivory tower academics that no sane person listened to before ODBL and Crazy Dick. His solutions may be broad and general, but that is the nature of being in opposition. They are also obvious and, thanks to Li'l Georgie's resolute stupidity, untried. Mind you, these solutions need to be formulated and acted upon by ODBL which insures that nothing will be done. Because as we all know, the Republicans have lost the war in Iraq and just won't admit it.


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