Monday, December 11, 2006

Call and Response

From Froomkin today comes this bit of dialogue from the meeting between Our Dear Leader and Vernon Jordan of the Iraq Study Group.
"Jordan: What do you mean by victory? When my mama told me to clean the garage, I cleaned the garage because I knew what she meant. But I don't understand what you mean.

"Bush: You have to speak to the American people with a simple message here. They understand what victory is, and if you come off of it, they'll think you're giving up.
So even the ISG can't get a straight answer about what ODL wants in Iraq. And through it all Crazy Dick Cheney just sat there.
During their entire session, Vice President Dick Cheney--a key architect of the war in Iraq--never said a word. Not one."
If the junior varsity has already baffled them with bullshit, why open your mouth and give away the game.


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