Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Bush Legacy grows

Not the one marked by multiple, continuing failures domestically, but the shining jewel in his Crown of Failures, Iraq. And let no one think that Our Dear Incompetent Oil Man and Leader will let anything like the Iraq Study Group deter him from "drilling the Mother of All Dry Holes". The NY Times has two articles today about DC reaction to the ISG. The first details efforts by the Bushoviks to evade any responsible action based on the ISG report or any other outside input. Also noted is their relief that no one else is smarter than they are.
He said former colleagues had told him they felt comforted by the recognition that there were no good options, because despite all of the intellect brought to the endeavor, the members of the panel had failed to make the leap from strategy to implementation. “It’s easy to suggest these steps in theory, but we haven’t been able to figure out the how,” Mr. Senor said. “Now, neither have these 10 wise men and woman.”
But what does it matter what they know, it is The Decider who has to decide.
Mr. Card said, “The president by definition knows more than any of those people who are serving on these panels.”

“The president’s obligations sometimes require him to be very lonely,” he said.
Poor little Georgie, so lonely, and yet still so pig-headedly stupid.

The second article looks to the Republicans in Congress who have to consider their positions 2 years from now in the face of this unwavering determination to stay the course by their Preznit.
No matter what positions they take today, all Republicans would prefer that the 2008 elections not be fought on the battleground of Iraq, said Douglas Foyle, professor of government at Wesleyan University.

“They don’t want the 2008 presidential and Congressional campaign to be about staying the course,” Professor Foyle said. “That’s where the calculus of Bush and the Republicans diverge very quickly. Everyone is thinking about the next election, and Bush doesn’t have one.
So all Bush has to do is stay the course for two more years then ride off into the sunset, Pinochet-like, to his new ranch in Argentina far, far away from extradition.


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