Saturday, November 11, 2006

Robert Kuttner makes a good point

In his Boston Globe column today. It should not get lost in all the post-election babble being thrown around with reckless abandon these days.
Now, we begin Iraq 2.0: The Extrication. Bush, again, desperately needs Democratic fingerprints on what, until now, has been entirely his mess. The Dunkirk phase is not going to be pretty. Leaks from the Baker-Hamilton commission, created to look for a Plan B, confirm there is no easy way out.

The aftermath of Bush's disastrous war will be the Democrats' responsibility -- only when and if they take back the White House. Until then, Bush is commander in chief, and it's his job, prodded by Congress's power of the purse and of investigation, to find a way out.
It is Our Dear Embattled Leader's war and he has to find his way out. The Democrats need to pressure him constantly to do it right and support him if he does but he is "The Decider".


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