Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Quote of the Day
From Froomkin:
Such are dreams made of.
"[Attorney General Alberto] Gonzales advised Bush that one panelist said metal detectors send 'the wrong message about what we think of our kids.'For those who may not be familiar with early to mid 20th century comedy schtick, the bumbling stooge who makes the mean boss look bad by agreeing with him at the inappropriate time was a staple bit of theater and film comedy. The good part was that, in the end, the mean boss (or Decider) was foiled and everyone lived happily ever after.
"'I happen to agree,' Bush said. 'But what do I know?'
"'Yes, sir,' Gonzales replied, drawing chuckles from those in the crowd who thought he was agreeing with the 'what do I know' quip."
Such are dreams made of.
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