Wednesday, October 11, 2006

McCain bails on Reynolds

In a not very surprising move, staunch Republican campaigner John McCain has bailed out on a speaking gig at a Reynolds dinner and rally in Buffalo.
McCain, who weeks ago had promised to speak Oct. 20, backed out sometime between Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. The call conveying McCain's regrets came to Reynolds, who was counting on McCain to showcase his influence in the capital.

It took Reynolds' re-election team by surprise. Reynolds' spokesman Lawrence D. Platt told reporters Monday that McCain would be coming to the dinner and the re-election rally.

Though McCain changed his schedule two days after a Buffalo News-commissioned Zogby poll showed Reynolds trailing in his race with his Democratic opponent, Jack Davis of Clarence, by 15 points, McCain's office said the senator is still a strong Reynolds supporter.
Well, it may have been a surprise to the Reynolds folks but I guess they just forgot that John is running for preznit and doesn't want to get any dirt on his shiny image.

In his place, the Reynolds campaign got a hardcore Republican who doesn't worry about his re-election, Karl "TurdBlossom" Rove. Now that should impress the denizens of the Burned Over District. Can you say Susan Ralston?


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