Saturday, October 28, 2006

Esquire changes its mind

Esquire magazine, in its last print issue, ran a piece with their endorsements for all the major state and federal races this year. Between the time the print was set and the issue came out online something interesting changed in the NY-26 district, and in the endorsement there.
District 26
Tom Reynolds (R)
Jack Davis (D)
Tom Reynolds is heading the Republican reelection push this year, so he's a busy man. Luckily, his opponent is a "Democrat" who describes himself, in fact, as a Goldwater Republican--and a wealthy industrialist who supports protectionist economic policies. Get with the times, Jack.
Esquire endorses: Reynolds

You know what? In the wake of the Foley Scandal there's no way in hell we can endorse a man who bravely stepped before the microphones to say he didn't know anything about anything, and managed to surround himself with children to do it. What a dirtball. Esquire now endorses: Davis
Well, whaddaya know? A Republican loses an endorsement on a values issue. Who'da thunk it?


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