Friday, September 15, 2006

At least he doesn't suggest that work will make them free.

But Our Dear Embattled Leader still believes that he must triumph over all the bedrock moral values of America for his, as yet unknown, plan to defeat the terrists to work.
But while he said he would be happy to work with the legislators, Mr. Bush made it clear that he is not abandoning the main pillars of his anti-terrorism agenda. He insisted that Congress pass legislation providing for the trial of terrorist suspects by military commissions, that these trials not allow defendants access to secret intelligence and that Congress “clarify” the United States’ obligations regarding treatment of prisoners under the Geneva Conventions.
Right, this fool who can not even remember a simple phrase like "Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice shame on me" thinks he can bring clarity to the Geneva Conventions? And no doubt he will feed the worlds poor with cheese from his lunar cheese mining operations. Did you know that Brie comes from the dark side of the moon?


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