Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ned answers noted Republican Stooge Joe Lieberman

And the New York Times actually covers it! Even if they failed to fully present the context of noted Republican Stooge Joe Lieberman's appearence on the radio show of famed Republican hate monger Glenn Beck, they did manage to present Ned's response in a complete fashion.
Ned Lamont, who defeated Mr. Lieberman in the Democratic primary in part by stoking antiwar sentiment, said that Mr. Lieberman’s comments put him “way outside the mainstream, not just of Democrats, but of the public at large.”

Mr. Lamont has said he would back a plan for a firm timeline of troop withdrawal from Iraq, a position supported by several other Democrats in the Senate.

“Nobody is talking about isolationism,” Mr. Lamont said, responding in a telephone interview to Mr. Lieberman’s remarks. “The problem is that the Bush administration and Senator Lieberman think that you can fight this like a conventional war, and that’s where they are wrong. We have to deal with homeland security, port security, to really protect ourselves.”....

.... Mr. Lamont said that Mr. Lieberman was using overcharged rhetoric and said that he “fundamentally disagreed” with the senator.

“The invasion of Iraq has had one big winner and that’s Iran,” Mr. Lamont said. “It’s an enemy that is not going away, but that has nothing to do with the war in Iraq. The war in Iraq has been a distraction and made us weaker.”
Maybe someday the NYT will call bullshit on the lies of noted Republican Stooge Joe Lieberman.


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