Saturday, July 22, 2006

Is Our Dear Embattled Leader in love with death?

In his op-ed piece Anthony Wade seems to believe so. And he puts forth the evidence to support this, leading to this conclusion.
George Bush has always supported a culture of death. From his days in Texas presiding over the most executions of any Governor before him and mocking one condemned soul who pleaded for her life, to signing the law that allows Texas that allows hospitals to kill patients who can no longer pay the bills for life-sustaining services. From ignoring the bloodshed in Lebanon as children die to refusing to attend any soldier funerals in America. From the torture chambers in Gitmo to the sands of Iraq, George W. Bush has left a trail of blood and death wherever he has gone. While that is reprehensible enough, it is nothing but blatant hypocrisy he shows when pretending to then care about life by refusing to allow scientists to use embryos slated for destruction to possibly ease human suffering. We should not be surprised however, since George W. Bush is all about human suffering. In speaking this week about his veto and the children he used to justify it Bush said, "They remind us that in our zeal for new treatments and cures, America must never abandon our fundamental morals". Bush is technically correct. America should not abandon her fundamental morals, no matter how obvious it is that her leader has.
Our Preznit, a peach of a guy!


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