Tuesday, May 23, 2006

You can e-mail your Congressmoop.

On just about any topic of concern to you. It may not be quite as effective as snail mail and chances are good they will ignore you beyond an automatic response but it can be fun and cathartic. I just sent this to my moop.
Just read about the Hon. Fat Denny Hastert getting his panties (more like a circus tent) into a twist about the FBI search of Rep Jeffersons office. Funny how he had no concern about privacy, warrants or lack thereof and congressional oversight when the Black& Tans were being directed at us ordinary citizens.

Please inform the Hon. Lardoon that we would appreciate it if his concerns, and the concerns of Congress, managed to extend beyond his belt, oops I mean the Beltway.

NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
You can find their websites here. Most of them have an e-mail link somewhere.


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