Sunday, May 21, 2006
Our Dear Embattled Leader will have to buy his own beer now.
A sad result of his no longer being Americas favorite drinking buddy. First it was bad job approval, then he started losing his base, now people don't even like him as a person.
It's not just the way he's doing his job. Americans apparently don't like President Bush personally much anymore, either.Just another old failure trying to live on past glories.
A drop in his personal popularity, as measured by several public polls, has shadowed the decline in Bush's job-approval ratings and weakened his political armor when he and his party need it most.
Losing that political protection - dubbed "Teflon" when Ronald Reagan had it - is costing Bush what the late political scientist Richard Neustadt called the "leeway" to survive hard times and maintain his grip on the nation's agenda. Without it, Bush is a more tempting target for political enemies. And members of his party in Congress are less inclined to stand with him.
"When he loses likeability, the president loses the benefit of the doubt,"
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