Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bob Herbert remembers the forgotten workers of America

In his column today we find Mr. Herbert writing about the frauds used by corporate America to layoff more workers than their incompetence justifies.
''What started as a necessary response to the intrusion of foreign manufacturers into the American marketplace got out of hand,'' he writes. ''By the late 1990's, getting rid of workers had become normal practice, ingrained behavior, just as job security had been 25 years earlier.''

In many cases, a thousand workers were fired when 500 might have been sufficient, or 10,000 were let go when 5,000 would have been enough. We pay a price for these excesses. The losses that accrue to companies and communities when many years of improving skills and valuable experience are casually and unnecessarily tossed on a scrap heap are incalculable.
Certainly an appropriate topic on the day that Chairman Kenny Boy and his Chief Executive Weasel Jeff Skilling take multiple steps closer to PTITA prison.


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