Sunday, April 23, 2006

In praise of Mary McCarthy

Robert David Steele Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net and former spook speaks out in defense of Mary McCarthy. There is much more here than meets the eye.
"I know Mary McCarthy personally, and I have a deep understanding of the pathologies extant within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the new layer of bureaucracy created by the DNI at a cost to the taxpayer of close to $1 billion a year.

"There is absolutely no question that Mary acted in the finest traditions of the Republic, helping reveal and reduce terrible violations of international law and human rights by the CIA. I have been through this once before. Director Negroponte and I are two of the unindicted participants in the high crimes and misdemeanors that characterized the Ollie North-Alan Fiers era of misadventures in direct violation of the law of the land, misadventures that included the mining of the Nicaraguan harbors.

"America has lost sight of the fundamentals. If the DNI and DCI were more astute and more willing to engage with those who actually know how to reform intelligence, we would be committing fewer crimes against humanity and catching more terrorists. We would also be educating the President, overcoming his largely deficient education, by presenting the real world in compelling terms demanding sensible strategy and sustained attention.

"Mary McCarthy should accept her firing with pride -- she served the Republic, and has been fired by individuals who will eventually be censured if not impeached. America owes her a vote of thanks. She certainly has my respect."


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