Sunday, April 30, 2006

Grasping at straws

The Washington Post reports on the almost comic sense of relief felt by Republicans in Congress at the "new faces" in the White House staff.
The recent White House staff shake-up has bought President Bush a measure of peace with his disgruntled Republican allies on Capitol Hill, who see the new lineup as belated evidence that the president is finally determined to gain political traction before the November elections. But they fear those ambitions may be frustrated by public unease over Iraq and party divisions over spending and immigration.

Republican lawmakers regard the arrivals of new White House Chief of Staff Joshua B. Bolten, budget director-designate Rob Portman and incoming press secretary Tony Snow as more than superficial job shuffling. They interpret the changes as a sign of Bush's desire to improve tattered relations with Congress and the media -- key steps that could aid in revitalizing his presidency.
To read the quoted statements of their pitiful hope that the leopard will change his spots is rather poingant and sad. Despite all the time off Congress has taken this year they still haven't heard what the rest of the country says of these "new faces". Same shit, different day.


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