Sunday, February 26, 2006
Frist shows he has the moral fiber to be preznit.
After leading the charge against the Arab ports deal,Bill Frist R-TN is the first to cave in to White House-Arab blandishments.
Speaking to reporters before headlining a GOP fundraiser in Lexington, Frist, a Tennessee Republican, said his initial trepidation about the deal has waned in recent days as his staff received intelligence briefings.No doubt they whispered sweet nothings in his ear. Things like, If you want to be preznit you better support this deal and How about we toss [fill in appropriate amount here] dollars in your campaign kitty. Those and other sweet words no doubt set all his worries to rest.
Frist said Republicans trust the Bush administration and think its determination that the port deal doesn't threaten American security is "in all likelihood absolutely the right one."
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