Saturday, January 28, 2006

Molly Ivins is a very smart woman.

In her column she puts forth the question that all journalists should be asking themselves. How should they report the various lies and distortions of the Bushoviks?
The question for journalists is how to report this. President Bush says it's a great idea and he's proud of the secret spy program? Attorney General Gonzales explains breaking the law is no problem? Dick Cheney says accept spying, or Osama bin Laden will get you?

Or might we actually have gotten far enough to point out that the series of high-profile security events is in fact part of a propaganda campaign by our own government? Should we report it as though it were in fact a campaign tactic, a straight political ploy: The Republicans say spying is good for you, but the Democrats say it is not -- equal time to both sides?

Perhaps we have some obligation to try to sift through what it means that our government is spying on us in violation of the law and the Constitution.
And in asking these questions she puts forth the perfect response to those who have no problem with illegal spying on Americans, not to mention torture, rendition and arrest of Americans without charge or counsel. And it really is devilishly simple.
Would you think this was a good idea if Hillary Clinton were president? Would you be defending the clear and unnecessary violation of the law? Do you have complete confidence that she would never misuse this "inherent power" for any partisan reason?
Yes, so simple. WHEN Hillary is President, she, too, will have access to all the powers Our Dear Embattled Leader is taking to himself. If you really think it is all OK then you won't mind when Hillary can use them too. With this easy answer, you can beat you Republican friends into an anti-Hillary frothing rage until they explode. Just the thought of it is a comfort to the soul.


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