Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Froomkin critiques Our Dear Embattled Leader's Glorious Speech

And Dan didn't even work up a sweat because ODEL didn't stray to far from the ranch with this one, despite what Faux would have you believe.
Bush's speech -- combined with a new, rosy, slogan-filled White House document entitled " Victory in Iraq " -- kicks off a bold public-relations campaign to recast the debate about the war.

But there are several reasons to suspect that it might not work:

* It doesn't answer the most compelling question in contemporary American politics: When are the troops coming home?

* It doesn't even include any objective ways of measuring progress towards an eventual U.S. pullout.

* It is at heart a restatement, rather than a reappraisal, of a strategy that according to the polls the American public has overwhelmingly rejected.

* The White House did not address, not to mention refute, the argument that the continued presence of American troops is making things worse, rather than better.

* And nothing Bush said is likely to change the fact that he has a big credibility problem with most Americans.
Whoa! Who saw that coming?

If you watched the speech and the enthused response of the midshipmen, you do have to wonder about the quality of the Navy's future leadership.


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