Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Our Dear Embattled Leader slaps a little love on the troops.

Because, according to the Tacoma News-Tribune, he and the Pentagon are not going to pay the bonuses promised to the Guard and Reserve troops who extended their enlistments.
A Pentagon spokeswoman, Lt. Col. Ellen Krenke, confirmed the bonuses had been canceled, saying they violated Pentagon policies because they duplicated other programs. She said Guard and Reserve members would be eligible for other bonuses.

Krenke said some soldiers had been paid the re-enlistment bonuses, but she was unsure how many or whether the money would have to be repaid.
But they do love and support the troops.
The bonus offer was part of the Pentagon’s effort to retain Guard and Reserve members at a time of declining enlistments in the regular Army.

Army officials have said they face the toughest recruiting climate since 1973, when the draft was dropped and replaced with an all-volunteer military.

Roughly 3,400 members of the Washington National Guard’s 81st Armor Brigade were serving in Iraq at the time the bonuses were offered.

The bonuses were tax-free because they involved soldiers stationed overseas.
Will the troops be allowed to un-reenlist?

Is the moon made of green cheese?


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