Friday, October 28, 2005

CoinGate - In the shadow of Irv

From the Toledo Blade comes a pair of related stories. The first is a more detailed account of Tom Noes indictment, including this tidbit.
Mr. Hillman, the chief of the Justice Department’s public integrity section, said the indictment does not allege that state coin-fund money was funneled to the Bush-Cheney campaign. However, if that proved true, he said it could be considered an “illegal” source of campaign funds. That could trigger a stiffer penalty, he said.
And then there is this puzzling bit of accounting from Lucas county.
The Lucas County Republican Party cannot say who gave it nearly $190,000 from 2003 through early 2005, when Bernadette Noe was its chairman, party officials said yesterday.

Local GOP officials including Patrick Kriner, the party treasurer and a member of the county elections board, spent months investigating their financial history in response to a county audit request.

They found no records of donations from 2003, though bank statements show the party deposited $67,560 that year in its executive account.

Among the missing records is a list of who gave money at the party’s annual Lincoln Day fund-raiser in 2003.

A 2003 campaign finance filing that named donors from that event was actually a duplicate list from the 2002 Lincoln Day dinner.

The party also can’t attach names to nearly $115,000 in contributions in 2004 and about $7,000 from early 2005. It can account for all its spending in that time, Mr. Haynam said.
What was the name of that chairman? I don't Noe. She's on third.[cue the rim shot]


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