Sunday, August 14, 2005

9 days and counting

Since Cindy Sheehan came to Crawford to speak with Our Dear Leader. ODL, in the full majesty of his wisdom, has so far avoided Ms. Sheehan.
In addition to the two-hour bike ride, Bush's Saturday schedule included an evening Little League Baseball playoff game, a lunch meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a nap, some fishing and some reading. "I think the people want the president to be in a position to make good, crisp decisions and to stay healthy," he said when asked about bike riding while a grieving mom wanted to speak with him. "And part of my being is to be outside exercising."
God forbid!, that folks see him talking to a woman who lost her son in his own private war when he could be fishing.

Thank you for showing some support for Cindy's protest.

best wishes marie

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