Sunday, May 15, 2005
Juanita is good for the soul.
With all the bad karma running around these days it is good to have a place like Juanitas to go to for necessary grounding. Any woman that can write this knows what makes the world spin.
The absolutely worst argument for putting the Ten Commandments at any government building is that they’ve been on a monument at the Texas capitol for forty-four years - because it hasn’t done diddle squat to make the government any better. In fact, we were much better off before 1961. The monument has made things worse. I think any real Texan would agree that Sam Houston on his drunkest day was more righteous and lawful than Tom Craddick or Rick Perry.Molly eat your heart out.
Think about it. Since 1961 we’ve lost every war that we entered, the oil boom busted, cancer has gotten worse, and the Beatles broke up. Personally, I don’t think the monument has a very good record.
And, Darlin’, the evidence is even worse in its immediate vicinity. Half the members of the Legislature are crazed with ego and the other two-thirds carry a lightening rod just in case God spots them. There are third world dictators less corrupt than the majority of people on the grounds of the Texas Capitol.
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