Friday, April 29, 2005

Somebody got it right.

I spend time reading various editorial columnists as part of my daily routine. I confess I read those whom I believe reflect my own beliefs and values and as a result I generally enjoy my reading. However, I seldom read one that I think hits the problem square on the mark. That is why I recommend this effort by Rod Watson. In one short column he accurately describes the problem and the threat to America posed by the current Republican party leadership.
After all, when it comes to persuading people regardless of the facts, who better to learn from than the folks who say one thing, do the opposite, and still command majority support?

These are the folks who talk values - and give us Tom DeLay, whose ethical lapses and strong-arm tactics have turned the GOP into a street gang without guns.

They talk coalition building to save American lives - and give us John Bolton who, as U.N. ambassador, would destroy the U.N. and ensure that U.S. troops fight with virtually no allies.

Read it all, it says it all.


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