Sunday, April 24, 2005

"Oily Dick" Cheney loves to say F#*& you to senators

The VP has jumped into the debate over what Republicans have called the "nuclear option" with both feet.As this article in the NY Times says:
Vice President Dick Cheney plunged the White House into the judicial confirmation battle on Friday by saying he supported changing the Senate rules to stop the Democrats from blocking judicial nominees and would, if needed, provide the tie-breaking vote.

"There is no justification for allowing the blocking of nominees who are well qualified and broadly supported," Mr. Cheney told a gathering of the Republican National Lawyers Association. "The tactics of the last few years, I believe, are inexcusable. [ed.note.Dick meant to add "unless you are a Republican and the Clenis is in the White House."]

The R's keep saying that the rejectable nominees are capable but the fact is that the guy who delivered milk to my house when I was a kid would have made a better judge. At best they could fill in for Judge Judy when she goes on vacation.
The filibuster is one of the elements of American democracy that protects all of us from the tyranny of the majority. Even when we don't like it, we should protect it. We hope the Senate does not fall victim to what Democrats call "the Crybaby Option"


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