Friday, June 15, 2018

Trump is running scared

The revocation of bail for his campaign manager will probably crank up his twittler rage even more which should be something to behold as he is already in a dudgeon as high as one of his condo towers. And Our Dear Orange Leader always gets that way when the news on the legal front is very bad for him.
President Trump went on offense on Friday with a withering series of attacks on the F.B.I., congressional Democrats, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Canada’s prime minister, football players, the media, the special counsel and other favorite targets even as he hailed his relations with the leaders of North Korea, China and Russia.

After a couple of days out of sight following his trip to Singapore to meet with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, Mr. Trump delivered a blizzard of pointed messages on Twitter, gave an interview to his preferred Fox News show and then engaged in a typically freewheeling encounter with reporters on the White House driveway.

Mr. Trump seemed energized by his North Korea trip and a new report excoriating the F.B.I., and portrayed his presidency as a string of unvarnished successes in foreign policy and the economy despite the unfair and even criminal forces arrayed against him. He dismissed any contrary information or questions and blamed any setbacks on his predecessor or the Democratic minorities in Congress.

The president seized on the Justice Department inspector general report released Thursday that sharply criticized the F.B.I. and its former director James B. Comey for their handling of the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. The report, he said, exposed what he called “the scum on top” of the F.B.I. as “total thieves,” and he insisted that Peter Strzok, a senior F.B.I. agent who had spoken privately against him, should be fired.

“They were plotting against my election,” he said. When it was pointed out that the report actually found that no decisions were made out of political bias, he dismissed the conclusion. “The end result was wrong. I mean, there was total bias. I mean, when you look at Peter Strzok, and what he said about me. When you look at Comey, all his moves. You know, it was interesting, it was a pretty good report. Then I say that the I.G. blew it at the very end with that statement.”

Mr. Strzok was a top agent on the investigation into Mrs. Clinton in 2016, and his text messages to a colleague, Lisa Page, were cited by the inspector general for showing an unprofessional bias. When Ms. Page was alarmed in August 2016 at the prospect of Mr. Trump’s winning the election, Mr. Strzok reassured her. “We’ll stop it,” he wrote.

Mr. Trump said that proved the F.B.I. was out to get him. “Peter Strzok should have been fired a long time ago, and others should have been fired,” he said.

Mr. Strzok was removed last year from the Russia investigation led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. But the inspector general found no evidence that the F.B.I. did anything to stop Mr. Trump or rig the investigation into Mrs. Clinton in her favor. In fact, the report’s criticisms of Mr. Comey and the bureau’s conduct focused on actions that damaged Mrs. Clinton, not Mr. Trump, and it deemed the decision not to prosecute her a reasonable one.

Mr. Trump was asked on “Fox and Friends” whether Mr. Comey should be prosecuted and put in prison. “I would never want to get involved in that,” Mr. Trump said. “Certainly he, they just seem like criminal acts to me. What he did was criminal. What he did was a terrible thing to the people. What he did was so bad in terms of our Constitution, in terms of the well-being of our country. What he did was horrible.”

Mr. Trump continued, “Should he be locked up? Let somebody make a determination.”

He added: “If you read the I.G. report, I’ve been totally exonerated.”

But the report dealt only with the handling of the investigation into Mrs. Clinton and did not address allegations against Mr. Trump and his campaign related to contacts with Russia during the election and possible obstruction of justice after he took office.
Such loyalty to Comey, the man who did so much to get him elected. But most dictatorships are based on "what did you do for me today?". And he continues to lie that his meeting with Kim Jong Pudge succeeded despite giving away the store and getting nothing in return. Let's face it, anything that Kim gives up will just be keeping the fish on the line, at least until he is impeached.


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