Wednesday, April 30, 2014

If you ask the special inspector general

The future of Shitholeistan is pretty bleak. Bribery, fraud, nepotism and outright theft are all to be expected despite a new president.
As Afghanistan prepares to hand over power to a new president and U.S. combat forces depart, the United States’ special inspector general for the war-torn country paints a bleak picture of its long-term prospects in a new report to Congress.

The report, of which McClatchy obtained an embargoed copy before its Wednesday release, said corruption is so widespread in Afghanistan that it threatens the U.S. long-term reconstruction effort.

“Corruption in Afghanistan includes everything from petty bribery for routine services, nepotism and tribal preference to contract fraud, large-scale theft of resources and subversion of the justice system,” the report concludes.

John F. Sopko, U.S. special investigator for Afghanistan reconstruction, criticized the Army for failing to do more to prevent American aid from ending up in the hands of Islamic jihadists fighting the Afghan government.

“The Army’s refusal to suspend or debar supporters of the insurgency from receiving government contracts because the information supporting these recommendations is classified is not only legally wrong, but contrary to sound policy and national security goals,” Sopko wrote Congress in a cover letter accompanying his report.

A separate internal report in February by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, cited by Sopko, said: “Corruption directly threatens the viability and legitimacy of the Afghan state.”
Surprise, surprise! After 12 years of war and $Billions of dollars, mostly unsupervised, it seems that the Afghans are running their country the same way they have done for 3000 years. And we are still planning to leave a few thousand soldiers behind so we can continue to throw away monies needed to rebuild our own country. Many countries have made fools of themselves, but has any country been as totally stupid as the US?


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