Saturday, October 20, 2012

Man on the Scene declares bullshit on GOP Benghazi Lies

Juan Cole was good enough to post a letter he received from someone in Benghazi complaining about the total crap coverage of what happened there. The points he makes are straight forward, accurate and not likely to ever find their way to the American public.
I’m so fed up with all the nonsense that’s repeated over and over about the Benghazi attack that I need to vent. You kind of get used to most reporting on international issues being more or less complete crap, but for some reason it’s really bugging me this time. Apologies in advance for the rant-i-ness.

1) The relationship between the anti-”Innocence of Muslims” protests and the attack is still unclear. There were protests against the video that night in Benghazi. There are reports that some people at the protests were also seen at the attack, though it’s difficult to assess credibility. The video cameras at the consulate didn’t record any protest activity at the consulate site itself, and what they did record looked like a direct and determined attack, but it’s not clear how close the demonstrations got, or whether there might have been overlap. Point being that the administration didn’t lie about the attacks–it genuinely wasn’t sure what happened, because no one was.

2) Whether or not someone called the attack “terrorism” is completely irrelevant. No one here [in Libya] cares what politicians in the US call it.
The Mittwit thinks he can slam Obama on this in their last debate. It's a shame most people won't ever know how full of shit Mitt and the Republican/Teabaggers are.


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