Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The George W Bush Memorial Unnecessary War of Choice in Iraq

Distilled and encapsulated by Charles Pierce.
The war in Iraq was a crime based on fraud. It was the first bunco scheme that qualifies as an international war crime. It was an unnecessary war of aggression, sold by thieves and con-men to a too-credulous American public that had been told for the previous 30 years that all politics was a shuck, and that the very principles of self-government made you a fool and a rube. The bloody irony was that internalizing those things made us the biggest suckers of all.
And there is much more.

With the decision to go to war with Iraq the first time I thought we had no choice based on current treaties. Not finishing the job was based on money. Always follow the money.
When it was decided to invade Iraq again I couldn't talk about it for two days. The argument for it and the reasoning was so shallow that I couldn't believe that people fell for it. I did not nor did my spouse.
If the people can not see through that shallow an argument and do something about it then they get what they deserve.
I directly blame the American people for making that bed after all they elected (appointed) the George w twice. The great american collective intelligence continues to make the same kind of rationalisations and the bed gets messier.
I feel sorry for military volunteers (I was a volunteer at one time) that joined fully expecting rational leadership and direction from their civilian bosses. They did not get it but they are going to get it now, the shaft that is.

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