Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Darryl Issa must be guilty

Why else would he be attacking the New York Times reporter who filed the news story about the profitable way he ran his office?
Issa's office has been on a crusade against scribe Eric Lichtblau ever since the reporter penned a lengthy story arguing that Issa, a wealthy businessman who heads the House Oversight Committee, has enriched himself through his congressional office.

Team Issa started by firing a scathing broadside at the broadsheet last week, demanding a retraction and contending that Lichtblau's story was riddled with at least 13 errors. The Times made one minor correction, but is otherwise standing by the piece and Lichtblau.

That has not pleased Issa, and on Tuesday his office went so far as to suggest Lichtblau may not have actually visited Issa's California office building because the lead of the reporter's story said it overlooks a golf course. Issa says you cannot see the golf course from his building, and his office cited stories in the San Diego Union-Tribune and the North County Times as evidence. Lichtblau has maintained that he saw the building from the golf course.

In a release to reporters, Issa's office even compared the veteran Lichtblau to notorious Times fabricator Jayson Blair.

Perhaps Darryl and his brother should steal Lichtblau's car to get even.


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