Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To prevent Arizona from becoming the laughingstock of America

Gov. Jan Brewer has vetoed the Foreskin as Proof bill passed by the state legislature to require proof of natural born citizenry to be president..
Legislation that requires presidential candidates to prove they are natural born American citizens before their names can appear on the Arizona ballot was vetoed by the state's Republican governor on Monday.

"I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for President of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth to submit their 'early baptismal or circumcision certificates,'" Governor Jan Brewer said. "This is a bridge too far. This measure creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona."

The bill, H.B. 2177, would have required presidential candidates to submit a certified copy of their birth certificate that includes their date and place of birth, the names of their mother and father, and the name of the hospital they were born at. In addition, candidates could provide other documents, early baptismal or circumcision certificates, to prove they were natural born citizens.
Her comments are a nice way of telling the legislature, Jesus Christ what the hell are you buffoons trying to do?

In addition, Gov. Brewer also vetoed the Pack You Heat on Campus bill because it was a very poorly written piece of shit. The language was so sloppy it could have allowed kindergarteners to pack a hogleg. While the governor said she looks forward to the day that parents send their kids to Arizona colleges with a kiss, a hug and a 9mm, she admitted that this POS wasn't the bill to do it.


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