Thursday, April 28, 2011

I guess because he is black

He has to out crazy the white crazies in the Republican/Teabagger Party to prove he is one of them.His latest shot at inclusion.
It can't be easy defending your party's plan to cut and privatize Medicare in retiree-heavy Boca Raton, Florida, but Rep. Allen West gave it his best shot on Wednesday. Questioned by constituents about the budget at a town hall, the freshman Republican warned that everyone is doomed with Medicare as is.

"I gotta tell you something: if you support Medicare the way it is now, you can kiss the United States of America goodbye," West said, according to local station WPTV.
He never will be one of them. Just another useful idiot to serve their ends, with the emphasis on serve.

"Just another useful idiot to serve their ends, with the emphasis on serve"

You just described a rather large percentage of Republican pols and voters... and perhaps the same for the Dems.

Politics has become like an old fashioned cesspool... with the big chunks floating to the top.

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