Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The 3rd wave of RNC fake Census mailers expected soon

Because, in response to the second one the House are passed a new bill making fake Census materiel illegal.
Moments ago, the House passed a new bill that seeks to ban misleading Census mailers once and for all.

The new legislation, prepared by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), the top GOPer on the House Oversight committee, would close any loopholes in the existing law that already bans deceptive fundraising mailers of the sort sent recently by the RNC.

The new bill passed the House by voice vote.

"Republicans and Democrats, we are united in our efforts to stop the RNC from using Census mailings for political gain and to fundraise for the RNC," Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) said a few minutes before the vote.
If the last law didn't apply to the Republican National Committee, why should this one?


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