Saturday, February 20, 2010

Somebody finally gets the right idea

President Obama put forth an idea to save Social Security that would actually work and not rape the hard working Americans who have paid into it for all their lives.
President Barack Obama says Social Security is slowly running out of money but that it can exist well into the future with a slight fix.

The system is funded with a tax on earnings, up to $109,000 a year. Obama says lifting that cap to tax a larger share of income would be one way to extend the system of monthly payments for retirees. It also would be unpopular with some.
The people who don't like this idea are not the people who had to work for a living. They are not the people who have had their 401k's stolen by stock market manipulators. So they can go fuck themselves.

This is an idea that needs to be done and one step towards it would be an e-mail bomb of the White House. Send the President an e-mail in support of this idea, every day, day after day. It costs nothing and you might do something good. Do nothing and the wingnuts will win.


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