Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bob Herbert doesn't like the Kabul Quagmire

And in that regard he is like a growing majority of Americans. Today he points up the great difference in how America views the war that Bush screwed up so badly compared to the various official Inside the Beltway views.
Americans are tired of the war. Some of the young people currently being outfitted for combat were just 10 or 11 years old when Al Qaeda struck the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001. They are heading off to a conflict that most Americans are no longer interested in. The difference between the public’s take on this war and that of the nation’s top civilian and military leadership is both stunning and ominous.

A clash is coming. President Obama may be reconsidering his idea of substantially increasing the number of American troops, but no one at the higher echelons of government is suggesting that anything other than a long, hard, tragic and expensive campaign lies ahead — with no promise of ultimate victory, or even a serious definition of what would constitute victory.
Just as with single payer in the health care debate, the best option in the KQ, just leaving, is off the table. Who is the evil minded son of a bitch who sets these agendas?


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