Sunday, March 29, 2009

Is one of these a good reason for you

We here in the District are supporters of universal single payer health insurance. One reason is simply that everyone would be covered. Under the current for-profit transfer the risk back to the patient model if you have any of the following conditions, you might as well crawl into a corner and die because the insurance companies will not accept you as a customer.
Trying to buy health insurance on your own and have gallstones? You'll automatically be denied coverage. Rheumatoid arthritis? Automatic denial. Severe acne? Probably denied. Do you take metformin, a popular drug for diabetes? Denied. Use the anti-clotting drug Plavix or Seroquel, prescribed for anti-psychotic or sleep problems? Forget about it.

What's more, you can discover that if you lie to an insurer about your medical history and drug use, you will be rejected because data-mining companies sell information to insurers about your health, including detailed usage of prescription drugs.
All the insurance companies have lists of illnesses and conditions that are grounds for automatic denial, what the public does not know is how all encompassing the lists are. When severe acne and sleep apnea will disqualify you, you know that one man who has been denied for his conditions is speaking the truth when he says "Basically, they're taking only the healthy so they can get the fattest profits. If you really need insurance, then you can't get it." But when the CEO needs a bigger bonus, he has no trouble jacking up the premiums.


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