Saturday, January 31, 2009

Joe Galloway is watching a bank robbery

And in a very populist voice is calling for the gang to be rounded up from their lairs on Wall St and thrown into Rikers Island's "best" accommodations.
Since we're already in considerable pain and in for much more of the same, how about we just let these bastards go belly up? Or better yet, earmark about $200 billion to buy all 10 of the biggest American bank companies, fire all their executives without severance and install new management teams composed of people who've run successful businesses. Who know how to meet a payroll and balance a checkbook; who know what bullshit looks like and smells like?

As it stands now, we couldn't be any worse off if we appointed Bernie Madoff as the banking czar.

In the movies, bank robbers always meet a bad end. John Dillinger and Bonnie and Clyde died in hails of gunfire. Willie Sutton and Alvin (Creepy) Karpis spent half their lives in prison.

What are we to do with the new generation of bank robbers? Close our eyes and let them ride off into the sunset at the head of wagon trains stuffed full of our money? Or turn them over to some new mad dog New York prosecutor out to make a name and a rep and prepared to let them rot on Rikers Island while he investigates?
We heartily approve of his idea.


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