Sunday, January 13, 2008

A litany of failure

Steven Weber and Bruce W. Jentleson, a pair of political scientists have put together a look at the arc of Our Dear Embattled Leader's neo-con fantasy, laughingly referred to as a foreign policy.
After years of proclaiming that it understood international politics better than its predecessors, the Bush administration is now trying to undo the damage its first seven years have wrought -- trying, in effect, to take U.S. foreign policy back to where it was before President Bush was sworn in.

But the world is a very different place today, and much less advantageous to the United States. Square one, administration officials are finding, is no longer really square one.
Were it not deadly serious, it would be amusing to note that ODEL and his evil Grand Vizier Dickwahd al-Cheney, have come full circle to the positions inherited from The Clenis. It would be amusing if it had not left us catatrophically behind and sucking wind in world affairs.


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