Saturday, February 17, 2007

The unnamed guest at the table

As Our Dear Embattled Leader and his evil grand vizier, Dick "Dick" Cheney have been trying to convince the American public that Iran is the source of all evil in Iraq, the International Defence Exhibition is taking place in Dubai. As the various Middle East potentates restock their armories, little is said about how much will find its way to Sunni militants in Iraq.
What the American authorities are reluctant to admit, however, is that there are signs that the Sunnis of Saudi Arabia and their allies - including Jordan - have been equipping and training Sunni extremists in Iraq for some time now. Critically, not all the weaponry and munitions have been used against the militants' Shia and Kurdish Iraqi enemies. Some of them - including lethal roadside bombs - have been aimed at US forces.

"The growth of the official and unofficial Saudi and Jordanian support for the militants is one of the most worrying developments," a senior British officer has told me privately after a visit to Iraq.

The Bush administration has kept mum about this while it tries to concentrate the minds of America and the world on their new public enemy number one, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the region's chief sponsor of terrorism and nuclear proliferation.
Should the deaths of US troops from this weaponry be classified as "friendly fire"?


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