Monday, December 11, 2006

You agree with me, right??

That must be the question that Our Dear Obdurate Leader is asking as he goes around DC and reaches out for an alternative to the Iraq Study Group that will support his inability to change course in Iraq.
President Bush on Monday opened three days of intensive consultations on Iraq, saying the United States and countries across the Middle East have a vital stake in helping the fragile government in Baghdad succeed.

Bush went to the State Department to review diplomatic and political options - the latest in a series of consultations that dominate his agenda as he seeks a new course in Iraq.
Three days to find what he wants and then another 2 weeks, at least, to find a way to sell the idea to the rest of us.
White House press secretary Tony Snow said Bush hoped to be able to announce his decisions by Christmas but that the timing could slip. "It's something that we would like to see, but I'm not going to promise it," Snow said.
That should give him time to "gift wrap" another 50 to 100 troops to ship home in time for Christmas. Pardon my cynicism, but I don't believe this evil, lying sack of doggie shit will ever change his mind or course until someone takes a horsewhip to his worthless carcass. And that, sadly, won't happen any time soon.


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