Thursday, June 30, 2022
Up in a puff of smoke
Polly Browne
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Band Maid
Betty Bowers Looks At SCOTUS
Mrs. Betty Bowers
What MAGA really means
According to her Jeebus
From the pen of Jef Danziger

The Sanctimonious Six open the door
Slimy Sam enjoys his 'win'
Even the ketchup knows
A Closer Look at SCROTUS
Seth Meyers
Here the 45th President Lost His Lunch
Stephen Colbert
The real way to make America great
He inspires some
Another 6 pack for Donny
Only looks good v. is really good
Slick Mick knows now because he knew then
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Gypsy Queen
Kristin Diable
Still have the right to pray to their god
GOP Marching Song
Clarence is a carpenter
SCOTUS gives rights and SCOTUS takes away rights
Different time, same assholes making the rules
It's Finger Lickin' Gone
Stephen Colbert
Don't 'fix' what you don't understand
Got to pull your weight
Questions still unanswered
How does it work ?
Just so you know
Monday, June 27, 2022
Put A Little Love In Your Heart
Jackie DeShannon
GOP plan to destroy public education is working
From the pen of Monte Wolverton
His plan is part of Trump's Healthcare Plan
From the pen of Ted Rall
Back in the alleys where they belong, right Clarence ?
Your choice
We mind your business
Water, water no where anymore
John Oliver
How do you want to live ?
James Baldwin
New GOP Lifecycle
Can movies predict our future ?
Rudi recovering nicely from backslap
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Baby I'm A Fool
Melody Gardot
The NRA's Favorite Fantasy
From the pen of Daryl Cagle
When evil is not stopped
Use it or Lose it
The Thin Slimy Line
The Loathsome Six Sneak Away
Make No Mistake
GOP has trouble with concept of equal
Historical precedent
Their goal
We know what to do
Saturday, June 25, 2022
I'm With Her
It makes such lovely mountains
So much to do
The poisoned fruit
Still trying
New SCOTUS dress code
From the pen of Clay Bennett
Life Is Precious
Mrs. Betty Bowers
Time for real Americans to step up
Wayne LaPierre with major donor
They made it obvious for all to see
Orange Foolius did not work alone
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