Saturday, February 29, 2020
Our Love Is Done
Hannah Juanita
The Tipping Point
It was perfect handling
Will Mother approve ?
Whose Doom ?
Out to get Donny
Instead of Red Square We Have The Orange Blob
Stephen Colbert
Who you gonna believe ?
Bill Maher
Facts Donny will never know
Such winning !
Notes from a task force meeting
Only the best people
Friday, February 28, 2020
Catherine MacLellan
Nothing to worry about
Such a face
A handle on what's important
Everybody has a reason
The best he has to offer
It's getting too easy
Pray Away The Plague
Stephen Colbert
Hope it miraculously goes away
Seth Meyers
Mike's working on a new miracle
Who needs them
Fooling themselves
Treasonous scum
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Waitin' Around To Die
The Be Good Tanyas
Maybe if they changed their hair
His preferred solution
The center of the plague
Latest Sharpie Policy
Lost in the swamp in there
Down Home Cooking
Stephen Colbert w/ Elizabeth Warren
Is This How We Die ?
Trevor Noah
A Closer Look at Dicks and Taters
Seth Meyers
More about Dumb Donny
Stephen Colbert
Wallowing in cruelty
What percent does she kickback ?
He knows nothing
Saying the quiet part out loud
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Caroline Rose
You can never cheer too loudly
Been there, done that
Just a few details to work out
Before the Barr of New Justice
Truth unmasked
Termites in the government
Robert Reich
The media gets its brawl
Trevor Noah
Extremely Unctuous
What they didn't report
Scariest episode of all time
Profits over life
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Grace Has A Gun
Katie Pruitt
Sauce for the goose
From the pen of Monte Wolverton

Stick to the issues
A sick joke
Victim of the System
His skin looks like Tikka Masala
Trevor Noah
Stephen meets a hero
Stephen Colbert
A Closer Look at the Media Meltdown
Seth Meyers
High Praise for Him
Cancer can be beaten
He failed you
Such winning !
More than we want
Monday, February 24, 2020
Highway 9
Barnaby Bright
Good for the cash flow
From the pen of Milt Priggee

The Best of Bezos
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