Sunday, June 30, 2019
Farther Along
Dolly, Emmylou & Linda
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Soviet Trumpeter
Friday, June 28, 2019
We don't know where we're going
Melanie Safka
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Sweet Old World
Lucinda Williams
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Hold Out Your Hand
Sarah Borges
No statue for him
Trump's crisis is working
Maybe they should look for a stable
Another notch in his belt
Your answer
Hey! You're not their type
Seth Meyers on Trump's latest rape
Trump and Rape
Trevor Noah's take on Donald's dick slinging
The Problem with High Ideals
Stephen Colbert says you have to live up to them
New Trump Branding
Not a trick question
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Buckets of Rain
Neko Case
Turtle Talk
A well worn routine
Target rich environment
Redactions are so useful
The heart of the matter
When they can't tell
The federal government doesn't want truckers to smoke pot. The federal government has no reliable way to determine if a trucker has been smoking pot. And there is no reporting system if they do catch you. What's a government to do ?
The federal government has been trying for three years to figure out a way to test truck drivers for drug use on the job. Experts estimate it will take another three years for any guidelines to be in place.Nobody wants a fully baked driver pushing a fully loaded rig at highway speeds. Neither do we want to break someone's rice bowl over a false test reading. And what level is actually impairing driving and what is a residual element left over from a trucker's well earned down time? Without good science, the answers will come down to someone's pre-conceived notions.
The government’s plan would test hair follicles. The trucking industry is eager for some kind of enhanced test, fearing that as more states make marijuana use legal, the need grows for identifying drug-using drivers.
Truck drivers are subject to certain federal standards. Drivers are currently required by the Department of Transportation to submit to pre-employment and random urine-based drug testing throughout their careers. Currently a company is required to randomly drug test 10 percent of its drivers every year.
Some larger trucking companies have for years called the DOT’s urine tests ineffective and have opted to test employees by examining hair samples for traces of illegal substances. Employees who fail a hair test can be denied employment, but because of a lack of federal guidelines they can’t be reported to the DOT.
In 2015, President Barack Obama signed a law which mandated that the DOT and other federal agencies put together comprehensive hair testing guidelines by December 2016.
But the guidelines are still awaiting federal approval, a process that could take another three years, according to Kidd and other industry experts.
It’s not clear why the process has taken so long.
The Department of Health and Human Services, the federal agency which is supposed to help author the guidelines, just approved and forwarded on its version of the guidelines to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget earlier this month. A spokesperson for Health and Human Services declined to provide further detail.
A Closer Look at Trump's Iran Lies
Seth Meyers
Fixing the Iran Problem
After explaining everything, Trevor Noah provides a fix
Which one do Evangelicals love ?
Needs the help
Wormtongue's heirs
Monday, June 24, 2019
Jamie Lin Wilson
Too stupid to believe
Colonel Bluster
From the pen of John Darkow

2 of the Horsemen have a plan
Stalls in the Genius Stable
Condemned by his own words
Clean Air & Water frightens Republicans
"But Donald is an honorable man" *
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Little Sweet Cigars
The Trishas
A MAGAt Lullaby
From the pen of Adam Zyglis

Just a little roll of the rock
Why the Iran strike was aborted
In some third world shithole
When Obama and the Democrats finally succeeded in passing the ACA, millions of Americans gained access to affordable health care. But thanks to Republican efforts to derail that idea in the passage of the bill and succesive efforts have managed to prevent millions of other Americans from reaching that goal. Free clinics and other patchwork efforts try to fill that Republican created void.
They took a bus into the center of Cleveland, Tenn., a manufacturing town of 42,000, and slept for a few hours at a budget motel. Then they awoke in the middle of the night and walked toward the first-come, first-served clinic, bringing along a referral from a social worker for what they hoped would be their first doctor’s checkup in more than four years.Stevie and Lisa's story is heartbreaking enough on its own. When you combine it with the knowledge that those who prevent them from having affordable care are fat and sassy and have their medical care paid for by taxpayers and see no reason why anyone else should have it. And why Tennessee is in too many ways a model for the kind of 3rd world shithole the Republicans want the rest of the country to be.
“Urgent needs from head to toe,” the social worker had written. “Lacking primary care and basic medication. They have fallen into the gap.”
Only when Stevie and Lisa arrived at the clinic a little after 2 a.m. did it occur to them how large that medical gap has become in parts of rural America. Dozens of people were sprawled out in sleeping bags on the asphalt parking lot. Others had pitched tents on an adjacent lawn. The lot was already filled with more than 300 cars from all over the rural South, where a growing number of people in medical distress wait for hours at emergency clinics in order to receive basic primary care. Tennessee has lost 14 percent of its rural physicians and 18 percent of its rural hospitals in the past decade, leaving an estimated 2.5 million residents with insufficient access to medical care. The federal government now estimates that a record 50 million rural Americans live in what it calls "health care shortage areas," where the number of hospitals, family doctors, surgeons and paramedics has declined to 20-year lows.
What’s arrived in their place are sporadic free clinics such as the one in Cleveland, where a nonprofit agency called Remote Area Medical brought in a group of doctors, nurses and other volunteers for the weekend to transform the local high school into a makeshift hospital. There would be a triage station in the entryway, bloodwork in the science lab, kidney scans in the gym, dental extractions in the cafeteria, and chest X-rays in the parking lot — a range of medical care that would be available for only two days, until the clinic packed up and moved on to Hazard, Ky., and then Weatherford, Okla.
“We’ll do as much as we can for as many as we can,” a clinic volunteer promised as she patrolled the parking lot late at night and handed out numbers to signify each patient’s place in the line. No. 48 went to a woman having panic attacks from adjacent Meigs County, where the last remaining mental-health provider had just moved away to Nashville. No. 207 went to a man with unmanaged heart disease from Polk County, where the only hospital had gone bankrupt and closed in 2017.
About that turd blocking your plumbing
Samantha Bee on Mitch McConnell
Today's homily
No win
What Jesus would really do
Saturday, June 22, 2019
High Flying Bird
Judy Henske
Admiral Peachfuzz in command
From the pen of Dave Granlund

More Trump promises
From the pen of R J Matson

An appreciative audience
Amusing but sad
Bill Maher's perfect candidate
What we must remember
What we too soon forget
Still waiting for mine
Friday, June 21, 2019
Woman Blue
Judy Roderick
What will you say ?
Bolton plays with big boy toys
Obama moved Iran again ?
Scientifically, not just words
Stephen Colbert
A Closer Look at This Week's Lies
Seth Meyers
What we can afford
Quiet beforehand
When your god is for sale
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Call My Name
I'm With Her
The right message
The public be damned !
Current state of cyberwarfare
Trump still trying to wag the dog
This latest incident came following drone flights along Iran's nautical boundary much like an 8th Ave whore on the stroll.
Iran shot down a United States surveillance drone early Thursday, both nations said, but they differed on the crucial issue of whether the aircraft had violated Iranian airspace, in the latest escalation of tensions that have raised fears of war between the two countries."Scientifically documented" is snake oil sales talk for total bullshit. And while the drone pilot may have been given orders to violate Iranian airspace, it could just as easily happened from careless piloting or even wind conditions. One thing is certain, the Iranians restrained themselves for all the previous airspace violations.
Iranian officials said the drone was over Iran, which the American military denied — an important distinction in determining who was at fault — and each side accused the other of being the aggressor.
Both said the downing occurred at 4:05 a.m. Iranian time on Thursday, or 7:35 p.m. on Wednesday in Washington. The drone “was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile system while operating in international airspace over the Strait of Hormuz,” the United States Central Command said in a statement. “This was an unprovoked attack on a U.S. surveillance asset in international airspace.”
Mr. Trump repeated his assertion from earlier in the day, saying “Iran made a very big mistake,” in brief remarks to reporters on Thursday afternoon. He also dismissed Iran’s assertion that the unmanned drone was flying in Iranian air space. The drone, Mr. Trump said, was flying over international waters, which has been “scientifically documented.”
A simple request to the excess candidates
From Samantha Bee
Trump's commited to recycling his garbage
Stephen Colbert
He couldn't get anyboy approved anyway
The Big Crayon Box
No friend of ours
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
What makes you happy
Edie Brickell & The New Bohemians
He knows where he is going
Old reliable tactics
Nothing but the best polls
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