Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Twenty weeks is all you have

If you want an abortion in South Carolina you will have 20 weeks from the fateful squirt to get it done in South Carolina. This is thanks to that hotbed of gynecological wisdom, the Palmetto Bug State legislature's new law restricting all abortions to the first 20 weeks. This hateful misogynistic piece of crap includes pregnancies from all causes, including rape and incest. Can't have you getting rid of Daddy's little belly booger.
The South Carolina legislature has passed a bill making it illegal for a woman to get an abortion at 20 weeks or more, even if she has been raped or is a victim of incest.

The passage of the legislation, which is headed to Gov. Nikki R. Haley’s desk, would make South Carolina the 17th state to approve such a ban. Ms. Haley, a Republican, said in March she “can’t imagine any scenario in which I wouldn’t sign it.”

The Republican-controlled chamber voted 79-29 late Tuesday to approve the measure, which would allow exceptions only if the mother’s life was in jeopardy or a doctor determined that the fetus could not survive outside the womb.

Reaction to the vote was swift.

Alyssa Miller, the state’s director of public affairs for Planned Parenthood South Atlantic, said in a statement that the bill was “dangerous” for women, and that it was “made even more extreme by removing exceptions for victims of rape and incest,” according to Reuters.

She added, “The reality is that abortion later in pregnancy is extremely rare and often takes place in complex and difficult situations where a woman and her doctor need every medical option available.”

But others praised the legislature’s vote. According to The State, Representative Wendy K. Nanney, a Republican sponsor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, said: “I am so excited. This is something that we’ve been working on for four years. It is a nice ending to a lot of hard work.”

She could not be reached for comment on Wednesday morning.

The legislation states that no abortion may be performed if a doctor determines the post-fertilzation age is 20 or more weeks. Exceptions can be made only in the case of fetal anomaly, or if an abortion is needed to avert a woman’s death or physical impairment.

Governor Haley, who has five days to sign the bill, was not immediately available for comment on Wednesday. She had been traveling outside the state when the bill went to vote.
The South Carolina legislation is now working on a bill to require that all male ejaculate be date stamped to insure adherence to the time limit.


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