Monday, December 28, 2009

Another NY Times article that is full of shit

And probably won't be read by many people because, really folks, who wants to know what a dairy farm does with all that manure. But you should give it a look-see. The reporter, Henry Fountain, has put no small effort to make it readable. Consider the intro:
Day and night, a huge contraption prowls the grounds at Frank Volleman’s dairy in Central Texas. It has a 3,000-gallon tank, a heavy-duty vacuum pump and hoses and, underneath, adjustable blades that scrape the surface as it passes along.

In function it is something like a Zamboni, but one that has crossed over to the dark side. This is no hockey rink, and it’s not loose ice being scraped up. It’s cow manure.
I'm not sure the Zamboni people would be keen on that comparison. But where else will you learn that the average dairy cow produces more manure by weight than the average weight of an adult German female (148.5 lbs). Maybe you should read it, you need the learning.


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