Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cheesy Chuck Schumer uses a big word

Chuck seems to be supporting prosecutions of Bushoviks for torture and other crimes, but pay attention to the big word he uses.
Echoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's words one week ago, New York Sen. Charles Schumer said Sunday that he could support prosecution for Bush officials that participated in torture or broke other laws.

"If there are egregious cases, I don't think you can say, blanket, no prosecutions," Schumer told Fox's Chris Wallace Sunday morning. "If there are egregious cases, yes, you have to look at them."
The definition of egregious is "conspicuous ; especially : conspicuously bad : flagrant". In Chuck's world that means evidence so overwhelming that even a notoriously Nelson-eyed crew like the Senate can't ignore it. When Chuck goes beyond lip-service, I will believe him.


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