Saturday, September 13, 2008

McClatchy outlines the Republican attack on our free press

And is pretty much spot on with its story. And it is a story that should frighten all who really believe in what this country stands for.
Ever since McCain chose the largely unknown Palin as his running mate, his campaign has waged an intensive assault on the news media.

Capitalizing on errors, rumors and perceived sexism in the frenzied first round of reporting on Palin, the McCain campaign has taken advantage of a changing media landscape, grouping together blogs and supermarket tabloids with mainstream newspapers and television to tar the media as one corrupt monolith, stirring up the conservative base and working to pressure the media from further aggressive reporting on Palin.
Because a media that asks real questions is a frightening thing to a politician who has no positions worth mentioning, indeed, whose positions if fully revealed would scare the crap out of any sentient voter.
Accusing the media of smearing a candidate is "a standard tactic" for politicians who don't want scrutiny, according to Brooks Jackson, director of Annenberg Political Fact Check, which operates the non-partisan voter resource
If you yammer long enough and loudly enough, people will doubt the messenger and no longer believe the message. And those who hate America and what it stands for will have won.


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