Thursday, September 20, 2007

This should promote stem cells

It takes our friends from the frozen north to tell us aboot a breakthrough in stem cell research that should make it palatable to all but the stupidest Republican.
Men have a source of potentially life-saving stem cells between their legs.

A team of American researchers has found a way to easily identify stem cells in the testicles of adult mice that can be coaxed to turn into brain cells, muscle cells, heart cells, blood cells and even blood vessels.

One day, they say, male patients may be able to turn to their own testicles as a source of stem cells to repair an ailing heart or kidney or to fix the brain damage caused by Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.
Or if you have a mean streak, you could tell your Republican friends that to get the cells they need to cut off your sack. Don't worry, they will believe you, they believe anything if you tell it right.


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