Monday, December 18, 2006

Beware the Fool Whisperer

Froomkin points out the obvious today. It has long been known that Our Dear Befuddled Leader generally acts on the last advice given him. Sadly, his constant attendance on ODBL usually makes Crazy Dick Cheney the last one.
Whose advice does President Bush take most seriously on Iraq?

If the goal is figuring out which way the president is headed, the press corps could do the public a big favor by reporting on who is whispering in his ear.

Most likely, the chief whisperer is Vice President Cheney -- in which case the back-and-forth over whether Bush will change course is sort of pointless. Bush has made some pretty dramatic about-faces in the past. The same cannot be said of the vice president.
Crazy Dick has played the Evil Vizier role to perfection, making himself indispensable to the Fool-In Chief. The question that begs to be answered is what does he get from it. Unless you believe that he has been driven mad by his lust for power, you have to ask why he keeps pushing the F-I-C into the black hole of Iraq. Is Crazy Dick so blinded by ideology that he can not see the impending Thermidorean reaction that his efforts will bring? Maybe some day we will know this. Until then we can only hope for a short circuit.


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